What kind of desiccant is used in the hardware industry?

Most of the hardware industry is metal, so the requirements for moisture resistance are relatively high. What kind of desiccant should the hardware industry choose?

It is best to use physically adsorbed desiccant in the hardware industry. Why? Because chemically adsorbed desiccant may affect hardware products. What are the physically adsorbed desiccants?

Physical adsorption desiccant includes silica gel desiccant, mineral desiccant, montmorillonite desiccant, etc.

Silica gel desiccant has stable chemical characteristics, is insoluble in water and any solvent, non-toxic, tasteless, odorless, chemically stable, has strong affinity to water, and is a highly active adsorption material. It is widely used to control the relative humidity of the environment in the storage and transportation of instruments, meters, equipment, leather, luggage, footwear, textiles, food, medicine, etc., to reduce and slow down the items from moisture, mildew and rust.

Other desiccants can also be used. You can select the appropriate desiccant according to the characteristics of the hardware product.

What are the common wrong methods of desiccant testing?